Contract Law

Pa. Law or Philly Judge May Prevent Presidential Streaker from Collecting on $1M Dare

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A billionaire who promised to pay $1 million to anyone who ran naked in front of President Obama plans to decide today whether to pay the streaker who tried to comply.

Juan Rodriguez, a 24-year-old New York man, was arrested on Sunday for his “commando-in-chief stunt” at a presidential rally in Philadelphia, the New York Daily News reports. He sported the name of billionaire Alki David’s website on his chest—one of the requirements of the dare.

David will decide today whether he will pay the money, ABC News reports. He is citing a couple stumbling blocks.

First, it’s unclear whether Rodriguez came within “earshot and eyesight of the president” and whether he shouted the name of David’s website six times—all conditions of his dare. Second, David told the Daily News, there is a Pennsylvania law that doesn’t allow anyone to profit from an illegal act.

Tasha Jamerson, spokeswoman for District Attorney Seth Williams, doesn’t agree with David’s interpretation of the state’s so-called Son of Sam statute, the Philadelphia Inquirer reports. The law is applied only in murder cases, she said.

But Rodriguez may still be a loser, she told the Inquirer. “Once he goes to trial on Nov. 12, the judge might decide to impose a fine on him—of $1 million.”

Hat tip to Pat’s Papers.

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