Criminal Justice

To Settle Sandusky Claims, Penn State Taps Ken Feinberg, Sept. 11 and Oil Spill Compensation Veteran

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After helping determine resolve victim compensation claims for the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks, the BP Deepwater Horizon oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico and the Virginia Tech massacre, among other high-profile representations, Ken Feinberg has become the go-to guy in another big case.

He, partner Michael Rozen and their Washington, D.C., law firm have been tapped by Pennsylvania State University to try to resolve all claims, filed and unfiled, concerning child sex-abuse victims of former assistant football coach Jerry Sandusky by the end of the year, according to the Associated Press and the Centre Daily Times.

Feinberg declined to comment, but said in a written statement provided by Penn State:

“We have been retained by Penn State to help both the University and individuals alleging sexual abuse reach a voluntary settlement in those individual cases where terms and conditions can be agreed upon. We are not administering a compensation fund and have no binding authority to compel a settlement.

“We will merely facilitate the effort and only in those cases where individuals and their lawyers are so inclined. Having managed similar cases in the past, we are confident we can help all parties involved in this matter and are pleased to have been selected for such an important role.”

Related coverage:

ABA Journal: “Master of Disasters: Is Ken Feinberg Changing the Course of Mass Tort Resolution?” “Freeh’s Scathing Report an Unusual ‘Road Map’ to Litigation Against Penn State, Lawyers Say”

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