Criminal Justice

Pentagon seeks Manning transfer to civilian prison for gender treatment

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The Pentagon is seeking to transfer a defendant in a very high-profile military secrets case to a federal civilian prison so she can receive treatment for a gender disorder.

Convicted last year as Bradley Manning in a court-martial for giving WikiLeaks a large quantity of classified military documents, Private Chelsea Manning has asked for hormone therapy that is not available in military prisons, USA Today reports. She is serving a 35-year sentence for violating the Espionage Act.

“In August, I requested that the military provide me with a treatment plan consistent with the recognized professional standards of care for trans health,” said Manning on a website dedicated to her case. “They quickly evaluated me and informed me that they came up with a proposed treatment plan. However, I have not seen yet seen their treatment plan, and in over eight months, I have not received any response as to whether the plan will be approved or disapproved, or whether it follows the guidelines of qualified health professionals.”

Manning was granted a legal name change last month.

See also: “Bradley Manning plans to live as a woman; will Fort Leavenworth allow hormone therapy?”

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