Legal Ethics

Prosecutors Boycott New Wash. Judge

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The newest state superior court judge in Pierce County, Wash., is expected to have little to do on his first day on the bench today because prosecutors are refusing to try their cases before him.

Although an investigation isn’t yet complete and a lawyer for Michael Hecht, 58, says the accusations against him are politically motivated, prosecutors are boycotting his courtroom because of allegations that he paid several men for sex, reports the News Tribune.

Regardless of whether the accusations are true, not trying criminal and civil cases in Hecht’s courtroom is the meantime is the better part of valor, says Gerry Horne, who serves as Pierce County prosecutor.

“It’s not personal,” he tells the newspaper. “These are business or professional-type decisions we feel we have to make.”

Hecht denies any criminal activity, but otherwise declines to comment, says his lawyer, Wayne Fricke. He accuses supporters of the judge who was defeated by Hecht in an election last year of initiating the complaints against his client.

Sworn in on Jan. 12, Hecht has just completed three weeks of training for his new job. Pierce County is located on the southern outskirts of Seattle.

Additional coverage:

News Tribune: “First-time officeholder tried other careers before the law”

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