
Saul Ewing Partner’s Success Advice: Meet a Lot of People and Treat Them Well

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A Saul Ewing partner who is chairman of the Securities Investor Protection Corp. attributes his success to networking and his faith in God.

The Washington Post interviews Orlan Johnson, an “under-the-radar dealmaker,” for a “what it takes” column. Johnson’s resumé includes an internship for the former chief executive of Beatrice International, work at the Securities and Exchange Commission, and a role as a volunteer for Barack Obama when the senator was still considered a presidential long-shot.

The Post asked Johnson why he’s successful. “I think the most important thing is meeting as many people as you can,” Johnson answered. “I try to network in as many circles as I can so that I can meet people and learn how to engage in business from many points of view. I also attribute my success to my religious convictions. I just always have faith that the Lord is going to put me in the right place at the right time and he’s always been there to lead and direct me.”

Johnson answered similarly when asked for his advice to the aspiring. “Meet as many people as you can,” he said, “and never treat any of them poorly because you never know where you might see them in the future.”

He also told the Post he is most grateful for friends and family (he’s been married 20 years and has three children). The reason? They give him peace of mind. “To me, there is nothing more important than the ability to have a restful mind,” Johnson said. “It’s more important than money. It’s more important than power.”

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