
Skadden partner announces plans to be a supportive husband in departure memo

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The next phase of Skadden partner Garrett Waltzer’s life will be devoted to the career aspirations of his wife.

Waltzer told of his plans to “be a supportive husband” in an unusual departure memo that links to the website of his wife, R&B singer TaQuita Thorns, Above the Law and the Careerist report.

“I do not plan to practice law,” Waltzer wrote. “Instead, I have been blessed with the incredible good fortune of being married to TaQuita Thorns, a talented singer from Detroit, Michigan who is just beginning her career in the music business. In addition to writing and recording outstanding R&B, Rock & Soul songs, TaQuita is an energetic performer with a dazzling voice and stunning looks. I am very excited about TaQuita’s prospects. Going forward, I plan to be a supportive husband and do all I can to help TaQuita achieve her mission to improve the world through music and, in the process, become a force in the music industry.”

Waltzer told the Careerist that he met Thorns online “after my ex-wife fell in love with her personal trainer.” His decision to leave Skadden after 24 years at the firm, he said, was spurred by a chronic illness. “I have nagging health issues,” he said, “and I do better without stress.”

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