Tort Law

Suit Filed Over 75 Cent Unwanted Newspaper

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A man who claims he was charged 75 cents on his hotel bill for a newspaper that was placed at his door is suing Hilton Hotels Corp. in federal court.

Rodney Harmon maintains he saw a copy of USA Today near the door of his Hilton Garden Inn Sonoma County Airport room in late March, but he wasn’t interested in receiving the paper and left it there, according to the New York Times.

Later he discovered a note in his key card envelope indicating he would be charged for the paper if he didn’t specifically un-request it.

Harmon, who had assumed the paper was free, is seeking class-action status.

Quoting from the suit, the San Francisco Chronicle notes, “The alleged consumer injury is substantial, causing millions of guests at defendant’s hotels to unwittingly part with money for a newspaper they did not request and reasonably believed was provided to them without charge.”

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