U.S. Supreme Court

Supreme Court Reinstates Death Sentence in Summary Reversal of 6th Circuit

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The U.S. Supreme Court has reinstated the death sentence of an Ohio inmate in a summary reversal of the Cincinnati-based 6th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals.

The defendant, Archie Dixon, was convicted of murdering a man to steal his car. According to the Supreme Court’s per curiam opinion (PDF), the 6th Circuit “purported to identify three … grievous errors” by the Ohio Supreme Court when the state court affirmed Dixon’s conviction and found no Miranda violation.

“Because it is not clear that the Ohio Supreme Court erred at all, much less erred so transparently that no fair-minded jurist could agree with that court’s decision, the 6th Circuit’s judgment must be reversed,” the Supreme Court said.

The case is Bobby v. Dixon. The Associated Press has coverage.

Hat tip to How Appealing and SCOTUSblog.

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