White-Collar Crime

Suspended judge indicted over fugitive found at her home in 2013

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A suspended New Jersey superior court judge has been indicted over a man arrested in 2013 at her home in Woodbridge.

Judge Carlia Brady is accused of hindering the apprehension of the man, Jason Prontnicki, who was wanted in connection with a pharmacy armed robbery case and described as her then-boyfriend, according to New Jersey Advance Media and MyCentralJersey.com, a Gannett newspaper site. Prontnicki is currently awaiting trial in the robbery case.

The three-count indictment charges Brady with official misconduct, for allegedly failing to enforce the arrest warrant against Prontnicki by notifying police of his plan to be at her residence, as well as two counts of hindering. One concerns the judge’s claimed concealment of Prontnicki at her home and the other her claimed offer to provide Prontnicki with clothing, money or transportation to help him avoid arrest.

The articles don’t include any comment from either defendant or their legal counsel. The case against Brady is being pursued in Somerset County, to avoid any conflict with her role as a Middlesex County judge.

Related coverage:

ABAJournal.com: “Suspended judge accused of hindering suspect’s arrest pleads not guilty”

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