Executive Branch

Top lawmaker says Hillary Clinton's attorney may have lacked security clearance to hold her email

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U.S. Sen. Charles Grassley.
spirit of america

Questions about sensitive U.S. government email that former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton sent and received on her private electronic devices are now extending to Clinton’s private lawyer.

In an Aug. 14 letter (PDF), Sen. Charles Grassley, a Republican from Iowa who chairs the Senate Judiciary Committee, asks attorney David Kendall to answer 13 questions. They seek specific information about his security clearance, whether it included others at Williams & Connolly and when it terminated.

“The transmission of classified material to an individual unauthorized to possess it is a serious national security risk,” wrote Grassley. “Moreover, if a person unauthorized to maintain custody of the classified materials does in fact maintain custody, it raises legitimate questions as to whether the information was properly secured from foreign governments and other entities. Many intelligence community personnel uniformed personnel and the American people may be at risk when classified material is not properly secured. Accordingly, it is very important that the Judiciary Committee fully understand the events that have transpired.”

Kendall could not be reached for comment, reports Fox News, which provided a copy of the letter.

He reportedly may have served as a custodian of some private emails while it was debated whether Clinton, who is now a Democratic candidate for president, had to turn them over in response to a FBI inquiry. At issue is whether government records were secured and, when appropriate, available for public access as required by law.

Related coverage:

NBC News: “‘Nothing to Worry About’: Clinton Dismisses Email Questions as Partisan”

Politico: “Allies fault Hillary Clinton’s response on emails”

Washington Post (reg. req.): “What you need to know about Hillary Clinton’s e-mails”

Washington Post (reg. req.): “Hillary Clinton won’t say if her server was wiped”

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