Criminal Justice

Tow driver takes car with kids inside; father is charged and jailed

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A father accused of briefly leaving his car illegally parked with his two young daughters inside while he unloaded groceries at an apartment complex in Houston was jailed and charged with child abandonment after a tow truck driver whisked the vehicle away, along with the kids.

At least one neighbor said she was at hand, and tried to tell the driver about the children in the vehicle, KPRC reports.

“How did he abandon a child if a whole bunch of people was around watching his car?” asked the neighbor, Sade Jones.

The father, Victor Ruiz, was jailed in lieu of $4,000 bail.

In a linked KPRC video, Jones also said she and others, including Ruiz, chased the driver as he left with the car in tow, but could not catch up. The driver stopped a couple of miles away, apparently realizing at that point there were children inside the vehicle.

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