Administrative Law

Utah Bar Runs Afoul of State Liquor Law For Showing Popular Movie

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A Utah bar has run afoul of the state’s tough liquor laws for showing a popular movie that features full frontal nudity and certain sex acts.

Brewvies Cinema Pub in Salt Lake City was fined $1,627 on Thursday by the Utah Department of Alcoholic Beverage Control for showing the movie “Hangover Part II,” one of the highest-grossing movies of all time, the Salt Lake City Tribune reports.

The movie, about four men who attend a wedding in Thailand, is rated R for strong sexual content including graphic nudity, drug use and brief violent images. The law forbids bars and clubs that serve alcohol from showing images involving sex or nudity. The parts of the movie that were deemed to violate the law include a photo of a sex act in the movie’s opening credits and a scene in which a monkey chews on a plastic water bottle strategically placed beneath a monk’s robes.

The decision to cite Brewvies apparently wasn’t unanimous. Newly-appointed Commissioner Constance White said she was “struggling” with the notion that an adult beverage may be served but an adult movie cannot by shown in the same establishment at the same time.

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