Question of the Week

What words do you always hear mispronounced?

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The Big Book of Beastly Mispronunciations

Image from Houghton Mifflin Harcourt.

In the November issue of the ABA Journal, Black’s Law Dictionary editor Bryan Garner has assembled a quiz on the pronunciations of 30 different words, keyed to Charles Harrington Elster’s Big Book of Beastly Mispronunciations.

Since there are far more than 30 words in American English that tend not to always be pronounced the same way, we’d like to ask you: What words do you always hear mispronounced? Do the mispronunciations drive you crazy? Or do you yourself admittedly defy the official pronunciations of certain words because the official pronunciations sound incorrect to you? Or do you not even notice differing pronunciations of either, envelope, interesting, et cetera?

Answer in the comments.

Read the answers to last week’s question: Which legal causes would you devote your practice to, if you could?

Featured answer:

Posted by Cory Morris: “Given the opportunity, I would devote my practice to helping people in jail, particularly youth … ‘You can judge a society by how well it treats its prisoners.’”

Do you have an idea for a future question of the week? If so, contact us.

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