Question of the Week

What Would You Want the Contents of a Sandwich Named After Your Law Firm or Law School to Be?

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New York City’s Hello Deli has honored law firm Arent Fox by naming one of its sandwiches after the firm (which has an office around the corner from the deli). What’s an Arent Fox? It’s a hot ham or turkey sandwich with melted brie, lettuce, tomato and your choice of honey mustard or pesto.

So this week, we’d like to ask you: What would you want the contents of a sandwich named after your law firm or law school to be? Your answer doesn’t need to have symbolic reasoning behind it, but if you have an explanation, we’d be happy to hear it. Also, if you know of or have tasted sandwiches named after other law firms, tell us where to find them and how good they are.

Answer in the comments.

Read the answers to last week’s question: Tell us a Ridiculous Statement a Client Has Made to You About You or Your Law Practice.

Featured answer:

Posted by Karen in Green Bay: “A new divorce client came to my office one day, clearly distraught. ‘He has the best lawyer in Louisville,’ she blubbered, ‘And all I can afford is YOU.’ “

Do you have an idea for a future question of the week? If so, contact us.

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