Criminal Justice

Why Onetime Teacher Eric Justin Toth Is Pictured on FBI Billboards Across the Country

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The FBI has replaced Osama bin Laden on its most wanted list with Eric Justin Toth, a former school teacher at Washington National Cathedral’s exclusive Beauvoir elementary school.

Toth, now 30, is accused of recording his students on a camera he secretly installed in the third-grade class bathroom, the Washington Post (reg. req.) reports. He made his getaway in June 2008 after the school chief discovered explicit photos of a child on a camera that belonged to Toth and ordered him off the campus.

Police were notified the same afternoon. According to the Post, Toth was “beginning a run for his life that has included aliases, a sham suicide note and a stint at an Arizona homeless shelter.” He is charged with producing child pornography, and his bespectacled face is on billboards across the country.

He had good references and no arrest record when he was hired at Beauvoir, a school that catered to children of lawyers and other Washington elites. But he moved from job to job every few years, and some parents at one school had previously expressed concerns he was getting too close to children. At Beauvoir, the story said, he babysat some of his students, even staying at their homes when parents were out of town.

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