Solos & Small Firms

Webcast site is good for drumming up business

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Not long after a young woman became the first person to get a traffic ticket for wearing Google Glass while driving, attorney Mitch Jackson booked her for his online interview show.

When college football star Michael Sam came out as gay shortly before the NFL draft in February, Jackson made a guest appearance on another online show with an ESPN sportscaster to discuss the potential fallout.

And when author Jeff Forte released a book titled The 90-Minute Marriage Miracle, Jackson had him on his show to talk about the importance of good communication skills.

For Jackson—a personal injury lawyer practicing out of Laguna Hills, California, with his wife, Lisa Wilson—using online broadcasts to get his name out there is good for business.

One tool Jackson has turned to is Spreecast, an online site that allows people to create live, interactive broadcasts and have conversations with others.

"You will start connecting with people who may not be interested in you as a lawyer," he says, "but down the road, if they have a legal question or need a lawyer, they may remember they saw you and call."

A longtime blogger, Jackson uses a technique known as "news jacking" for topic ideas, searching for interesting stories that can be a jumping-off point for discussions.


David Ward, a legal marketing consultant based in Rancho Santa Margarita, California, says the value of Spreecast comes through the act of sharing content and helping others get their names out there. Jackson agrees. "The Spreecast platform has allowed me to accelerate the expansion of my influence and reputation from Southern California to new clients, friends and referrals around the world," he says.

For those considering trying Spreecast, Jackson offers these tips:

Develop a blog or website as the main platform. Promote Spreecasts there, through your friends and personal connections, and through other social media outlets.

Figure out your passions. Seek out people in that field and make connections. Authors are often eager to get publicity.

Limit the broadcast to about 30 to 45 minutes. Use a Q&A format.
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