Legal Ethics

One Former Okla. Judge Resigns From Bar, Another Is Suspended From Practice for a Year

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The resignation of a former Oklahoma judge from not only her job on the bench but the state bar association has been accepted by the state’s top court.

Oklahoma County District Judge Tammy Bass-LeSure stepped down and gave up her bar membership after pleading guilty in March to two counts of fraud concerning money she and her husband accepted concerning the adoption of two children who didn’t live with them, according to the Associated Press.

The state supreme court accepted her resignation Monday. She received three years of deferred adjudication in the criminal case.

Meanwhile, in another article, the Associated Press also reports that a second former Oklahoma judge was suspended for one year on Monday.

The supreme court’s suspension of former Harper County Associate District Judge George Wayne Olmstead is retroactive to March, when he was temporarily suspended. It follows his no-contest plea early this year to violating the law by downloading what the article describes as obscene videos onto his state computer.

Olmstead received a year of deferred adjudication and probation in that case.

Additional coverage: “Defendant Judge Loses Motion to Remove DA from Fraud Case re Adoption of Twins” “Judge Steps Down, Gets Deferred Sentence re Adopted Twins State Said She Gave to Bailiff’s Sister”

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