Consumer Law

Consumer Advocate Wins Suit Against Walmart Store for Failing to Correct Two Penny Overcharge

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A consumer advocate in Pennsylvania has been awarded $180 in damages and court costs in a suit targeting a Walmart in Delmont for a 2 cent overcharge.

Mary Bach of Murrysville says she and her husband have sued the Walmart five times for charging more than the posted price, the Pittsburgh Tribune-Review reports. “This isn’t an isolated incident,” she told the newspaper.

In the most recent suit, Bach says she notified the store the first time she was overcharged for the sausage, and sued for unfair trade practices when it wasn’t corrected six days later. Store manager Jason Porter had testified the mix-up occurred because the store had old and new sausage packages on the shelves, with two different prices.

The Digital Journal notes that Bach has sued many retailers. In 2007, she won a case against a Kmart for improperly charging sales tax on toilet paper, reported at the time.

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