
Potential hack of federal judiciary's information is treated as a disaster

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Federal judges and judiciary employees have been alerted that they may have been among the victims of a data breach, initially revealed last month, that affected millions of federal employees.

Did the breach reach justices on the U.S. Supreme Court? A spokesperson for the U.S. Supreme Court declined to answer the question, the National Law Journal (sub. req.) reports. It’s unclear if any judges were affected by a second data breach of federal background-check databases, announced on Thursday, that affected 21.5 million people.

David Sellers, a spokesman for the Administrative Office of the U.S. Courts, told the National Law Journal that the office has sent seven updates on the breach to the judiciary and established an internal website with information.

“Anything that compromises personal information and consequently threatens safety and security is a great concern,” Sellers said. “We treated this at the [Administrative Office] the same way we would treat a disaster, like if a hurricane hit a court.”

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