Legal Ethics

Former Maricopa County Attorney Won’t Sue Ethics Investigators After All

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Former Maricopa County Attorney Andrew Thomas took an aggressive tack earlier this year when he signaled an intent to sue Arizona ethics investigators who recommended he be disbarred and county officials he believed to be retaliating against him.

Thomas filed notices of intent to sue for damages totaling $47 million, but now he has announced he won’t pursue legal action, the Arizona Republic reports. Thomas gave two reasons for his decision: It’s the right thing to do, he said, in a time of economic crisis. And the county is no longer refusing to pay for attorneys defending Thomas against state bar complaints.

Bar investigators had recommended disbarment after concluding that Thomas had filed a complaint against a judge in an effort to threaten and intimidate him. A federal grand jury is also investigating alleged abuse of power in connection with Thomas’ role prosecuting and suing Maricopa County officials, the story says.

A bar hearing on Thomas’ conduct is scheduled for Sept. 12.

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