White-Collar Crime

Former Office Manager Admits Stealing Over $1.1M From NJ Law Firm

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A former office manager for an unidentified law firm in Lakewood, N.J., has admitted to embezzling more than $1.1 million between 2003 and 2009.

Kathleen Baker, 54, has pleaded guilty to a federal wire fraud charge and will be sentenced in October, the Asbury Park Press reports.

She reportedly stole the money by writing checks on law firm accounts and depositing them into accounts she controlled. She also opened an account in the name of a fictitious company called Corporate Solutions to conceal the money flow, the newspaper says.

The article doesn’t explain how the scheme came to light.

As detailed in earlier ABAJournal.com posts, a number of law firms throughout the country have complained of being victimized in such schemes. In the last three months, at least seven such cases, including Baker’s, have hit the headlines:

Ex-Office Manager’s Theft of Over $1M from NJ Law Firm Forced Layoffs, Partners Say

Law Firm Bookkeeper Accused of Embezzling $567K, Allegedly Put 210 Forged Checks Into Own Account

5 Years After Guilty Plea, Ex-Fried Frank Bookkeeper Still Owes More than $300K in Restitution

Ex-Office Manager Gets 4 Years for Skimming $502K from Law Firm Accounts

Former Office Manager Pleads Guilty to $75K Theft from Debt Collection Law Firm

Former Law Firm Manager Gets 8 Years for Stealing $884K; $47K Spent on Lunch Club Meals with Mom

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