Government Law

Judge nixes tickets for lack of evidence, as city and red-light camera operator blame each other

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It isn’t only those with trial skills, such as attorney Daniel Doty, who are getting Baltimore speeding and red-light camera tickets thrown out of court.

The city plans to void approximately 6,000 tickets, amidst an ongoing dispute with the former contractor that oversaw the program, the Baltimore Sun reports.

The contractor, Xerox State and Local Solutions, says it is owed money by the city, but has nonetheless given Baltimore all the evidence it needs to defend the tickets. However, the city, which stands to lose some $300,000 in revenue due to having the tickets nixed, contends that it has been left without the evidence required to prove the violations.

Whatever the reason, the impasse is good news for ticketed motorists.

“It’s like amnesty day or something,” District Judge Catherine C. O’Malley told motorists Friday when they appeared for ticket appeals.

“Everybody is going to be very happy. … They don’t have any evidence for any of these speed camera tickets.”

See also: “City Dismisses $40 Speeding Ticket re Litigator’s Motionless Car, But Judge Nixes His Bid for Costs”

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