Oil Spill

Kenneth Feinberg and BP Face Suits by Claimants Seeking to Undo Payouts

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Kenneth Feinberg and the BP oil spill compensation fund are facing lawsuits by claimants who want to renounce their settlements so they can sue for more money.

One suit was filed in Clearwater, Fla., by Pinellas Marine Salvage Inc. on Friday, Reuters reports. It claims Feinberg and the fund are using a “delay, deny, defend” strategy to push claimants to accept “grossly inadequate” settlements. Feinberg is the lawyer BP hired to oversee its $20 billion compensation fund.

A second suit filed on Feb. 14 in Louisiana by Knotty Girl Fishing seeks to overturn a $25,000 settlement, the story says.

Meanwhile plaintiffs lawyers have asked a federal judge overseeing hundreds of consolidated lawsuits against BP in Louisiana to reject more than 90,000 lawsuit waivers signed by claimants who accepted settlements.

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