Trials & Litigation

Law Firm, Insurer to Pay $4M to Furnish New Family Courthouse in Philadelphia

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The Pennsylvania Supreme Court has settled its suit with a law firm and one of its former partners over Obermayer Rebmann Maxwell & Hippel’s role in helping plan a new family court at 15th and Arch Streets in Philadelphia.

Chief Justice Ronald D. Castille announced Tuesday at the annual meeting of the Philadelphia Bar Association that the firm had agreed to pay $2 million and its insurer will pay another $2 million to settle the suit, reports the Philadelphia Inquirer. The money will be used to provide furnishings for the new courthouse.

At issue in the litigation was whether former Obermayer partner Jeffrey B. Rotwitt properly disclosed that he would play a developer role in the deal. He has said he did fully inform the court and did nothing wrong.

Earlier coverage: “Longtime Obermayer Partner Is Fired Over Phila. Family Court Development Deal” “Despite $600K Oversight Role, Law Firm Missed Dual Hats Worn by Attorney-Developer” “Chief Pa. Supreme Court Judge Sues Law Firm for Malpractice re Family Court Building Project”

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