Legal Ethics

Lawyer is reprimanded for belittling opposing counsel and his case during deposition

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A Virginia lawyer has been reprimanded for calling the case against his client “crap” and belittling the opposing counsel during a deposition.

The lawyer, John George Crandley, was publicly reprimanded without terms in an agreed disposition. The Legal Profession Blog has a story.

According to the Oct. 13 reprimand (PDF), Crandley referred to the case against his client as “crap” before and during the May 2014 deposition. Crandley represented a driver being sued by a passenger injured in an auto accident. The passenger was represented by lawyer John Basilone.

After Basilone deposed Crandley’s client, Crandley told Basilone he had asked only three pertinent questions during the 45-minute deposition, according to the reprimand.

Before Crandley began questioning the plaintiff passenger, he told Basilone to remove his file so the plaintiff couldn’t see it. Basilone said he wasn’t required to do so, spurring Crandley to call Basilone’s position “nonsense” and “baloney,” the reprimand says.

During Crandley’s deposition of the plaintiff, he impeached the plaintiff on the accuracy of information provided to a health care provider. Crandley remarked that he was “enjoying this,” drawing an objection from Basilone. According to the reprimand, Crandley “condescendingly stated to Basilone that he always has to tell him everything twice.”

Crandley’s conduct violated ethics rules governing fairness to the opposing party and counsel, and respect for the rights of third persons, the reprimand stated.

Crandley didn’t immediately respond to a request for comment.

Corrected at 2:03 p.m. to state that John Basilone represented the plaintiff passenger in the suit.

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