U.S. Supreme Court

New Polls Show Mixed Feelings on Health Care Law

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New polls indicate the public has mixed feelings on the Obama administration’s health care law and the Supreme Court’s upcoming ruling on its constitutionality.

Here are the results:

• Thirty-seven percent of Americans would be pleased if the law is struck down, and 28 percent would be pleased if it is upheld, according to a poll by NBC News and the Wall Street Journal. Pluralities on both questions say they would have “mixed feelings” on either outcome. MSNBC and the Wall Street Journal have stories.

• A survey by the Public Religion Research Institute had different results. Asked for their opinion (PDF) on the Supreme Court overturning the health care law, 35 percent of the respondents supported overturning it, while 43 percent opposed such a result.

• Only 36 percent of Americans expressed a favorable opinion of the health care law in a poll by ABC News and the Washington Post. At the same time, only 39 percent gave favorable ratings to the current health care system. “That means that while the intended fix is unpopular, so is the status quo—leaving the public still in search of solutions,” ABC News reports.

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