Women in the Law

Ms.JD's Education Fund to Help Two Ugandan Women Pursue Law Degrees

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Ms.JD, a nonprofit dedicated to helping women advance in the legal profession, has created a Global Education Fund and awarded its first scholarships.

The fund is intended to help women in developing nations pursue law degrees. Ms.JD will spend about $5,000 per year for five years to send Monica Athieno and Joaninne Nanyange to Makerere University in Kampala, Uganda, the National Law Journal reported. The university’s Gender Mainstreaming Division selected the two women based on their academic credentials and financial need. Ms.JD is still in the process of raising the $25,000 needed for both womens’ degrees, the National Law Journal reported.

Ms.JD states on its website that it chose to support scholarships in Uganda because more than 45 percent of women there over age 25 have not been educated at all, and men are more than twice as likely as women to have access to higher education.

Sarah Randag oversees the ABA Journal’s Blawg Directory. Find her on Twitter @BlawgWhisperer.