U.S. Supreme Court

Sotomayor Returns to Sesame Street with Career Advice that Includes Definition of the Word

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Would-be princesses got some sobering news when Justice Sonia Sotomayor appeared recently on Sesame Street. It’s time to think about a real career, they learned.

Sotomayor defines the word “career” in an exchange with Abby, described by Time as a “pink, perky, uber-feminine character.” When Abby tells Sotomayor she would like a career as a princess, the justice brings the muppet back to reality.

“Pretending to be a princess is fun,” Sotomayor tells Abby, “but it is definitely not a career.”

Sotomayor offers some other options: judge, teacher, lawyer, doctor, engineer and scientist.

“While Kate Middleton may disagree,” the Huffington Post writes, “when Abby thinks about it, she agrees that being a princess really isn’t a job.” Abby decides that she would like a career as a judge.

Sotomayor made a previous appearance on Sesame Street earlier this year when she judged a dispute involving Goldilocks.

Hat tip How Appealing.

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