Question of the Week

Tell us about a client who truly helped with his or her case

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Taylor Swift

Taylor Swift. Tinseltown /

Taylor Swift’s “blunt, powerful testimony” in her recent trial grabbed headlines and ultimately contributed to a favorable jury verdict. A Denver DJ had alleged that Swift fabricated an allegation that the DJ groped her and that cost him his job. He sought $3 million in damages.

Swift’s lawyer, Venable partner J. Douglas Baldridge, told that Taylor is not only a “principled person” but a great client. “She listens, she’s a very quick study. … She contributed to the defense.”

Baldridge says he encouraged Swift to share what she was honestly feeling, and her “unflinching, even antagonistic testimony” came from that “to brutally brilliant effect,” said.

This week, we’d like you to tell us about a client who truly helped with his or her case. How did you work together to get a favorable result? How is this client an example for all witnesses to follow?

Answer in the comments.

Read the answers to last week’s question: How have you dealt with job-related stress?

Featured answer:

Posted by IPMama: “In my 40s and suffering under an abusive, sexist, alcoholic senior partner, who went so far as to listen in on my phone conversations, I took up taekwondo. It helped tremendously to imagine his face on every paddle I kicked and punched. The bonus was an incredible workout and training in self-defense. I finished with a first-degree black belt and a job change.”

Do you have an idea for a question of the week? If so, contact us.

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