ABA Techshow

Texting app wins ABA Techshow's Startup Alley

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JurisBytes won the 2019 Startup Alley competition at ABA Techshow 2019 on Wednesday. "For this to be our first trade show, it's very exciting for all of us," says Ryan Mullis, founder and CEO of JurisBytes.

The company launched just six months ago, Mullis says. The app that brought home the award was JurisMS, a texting platform that the company launched this week. The app allows attorneys to track time spent texting clients while not requiring the client to download a new app.

In Chicago, the third annual Startup Alley event pulled a standing room only crowd in the Expo Hall at Techshow.

While managing audio and visual difficulties, presenters showed off new companies looking to improve how attorneys manage divorce matters, connect with clients and store evidence on the blockchain, among others.

JurisBytes will receive a booth at next year’s Techshow and an advertising package.

The 15 finalists were chosen through an online vote managed by Bob Ambrogi, a legal tech blogger and host of the event, and Above the Law. The other finalists that were invited to present at the pitch competition included:

Connective Counsel








Fixi Subscription Plans

Kinnami Software Corp.


Our Child Info



Your Firm App

All the participants have booth space at the Expo Hall throughout the conference.

This was the first event for ABA Techshow 2019, which is ongoing from Feb. 27 to March 2 at the Hyatt Regency in Chicago.

Follow along with our full coverage of the ABA Techshow 2019.

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