Question of the Week

What's your 2019 New Year's resolution?

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Champagne cork and confetti.


Every year the Earth makes another trip around the sun. At this point in the journey, we make New Year's resolutions on how to navigate the next lap.

If you haven’t made a New Year’s resolution, most likely your clients have. In his New Jersey Family Legal Blog, Eric S. Solotoff notes a recent uptick in divorce inquiries. Solotoff, who practices family law in Morristown, New Jersey, suggests that shifting tax treatment of alimony might play a role.

With economists forecasting a slowdown, Solotoff expects to see more divorce cases, “either because of the stress it creates or because one or both parties is being opportunistic.”

This week, we’d like to ask: What’s your 2019 New Year’s resolution? Are you responding to changing needs of clients, enhancing your legal practice or setting strictly personal goals? Answer in the comments.

Read the answers to our final question of 2018: Do you give holiday gifts to clients and co-workers?

Featured answer:

Posted by IJW:

“For clients I come up with a theme every year for a holiday gift basket to clients and include in the basket items relevant to the theme. … This year my theme was veterans and the service that my family members and others have performed for this country since WW II. So every year it is a labor of new love.”

Do you have an idea for a future question of the week? If so, contact us.

See also:

ABA Journal: Lifestyle tips for disorganized lawyers

ABA Journal: How can you make and keep reasonable resolutions for your career?

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