Law Schools

Would-Be Law Prof Loses Age Bias Suit

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An Iowa jury has ruled against a Michigan lawyer who claimed the University of Iowa discriminated against him on the basis of age when he didn’t get an interview for a law school faculty job.

Jurors ruled against West Bloomfield lawyer Donald Dobkin on Friday, report the Iowa City Press Citizen and the Associated Press.

Dobkin was 55 when he responded to a law school ad in 2008 seeking teachers with experience in administrative law, immigration and other practice areas. Dobkin, a Northwestern law grad, has written several articles on immigration and constitutional law, and has handled more than 7,000 immigration cases.

Two other hiring suits are pending against the law school, according to the Press Citizen. One is an age bias suit filed by Nicholas Spaeth, a former North Dakota attorney general. A second, filed by part-time instructor Teresa Wagner, claims she was rejected for two legal writing positions because of her conservative political beliefs.

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