ABA Journal

Trusts & Estates

Art Law & More

Posts cover copyright lawsuits in the art world, legal issues related to art seized by Nazis during World War II, and rulings from United Kingdom courts related to art ownership.


Jotwell—which stands for Journal of Things We Like (Lots)—features relatively brief law prof-authored reviews of recent scholarly articles in plain English.

Plan for the Road Ahead

Posts discuss estate planning in the state of Illinois, but also have general advice for anyone looking to arrange their will and finances to benefit their heirs. In 2015, the legal wrangling over former Cubs player Ernie Banks' estate was used as a case study to illustrate the pitfalls and practicalities of estate planning.

Wills, Trusts & Estates Prof Blog

Several daily posts cover news, legislation and scholarship relating to wills, trusts and estates. Upcoming conferences are also noted.