Charles, seen attending to an important document, insists on spending each day at our law office. He provides a wide array of services that begin by checking each office to be sure all attorneys and staff are present. He is vigilant, providing greetings to clients, adversaries, deponents, court reporters, opposing lawyers, litigants, delivery workers, the mailman and all visitors. He appreciates that many arrive with treats for him.
Charles especially enjoys participating in depositions. The lengthy sessions of question-and-answer provide him comfortable time to sleep under the table while the seemingly endless questions continue (although he is not hesitant to insist on a break when needed). He enjoys providing counseling on difficult issues by serving as an attentive listener.
Charles is a 13-year-old Papillion who is anxious to please and has steadfastly maintained confidentiality on all matters he has learned at the law office. In our fast-paced and stressful profession, Charles is friendly and a welcome change of pace to the delight of all who meet him at our office.
Attribution: Hamp Ford, Ford, Parshall & Baker, Columbia, Missouri