Submitted by B. McLeod.
Well, if you’re posting on this website, You’d best be careful what you write, And you better keep on topic, And don’t be pickin’ any fight, Or you may meet the Moderators, That’s when you’ll understand, How things they don’t approve of vanish, And you could be banned.
Don’t make the Moderators, Slap a ban on you, Don’t make the friendly Moderators, Slap an everlasting ban on you
Now when you’re tapping out a comment, And you ain’t bein’ P.C., You better jolly well consider, The Comment Policy, And if you get a snippy e-mail, No matter what befalls, Don’t try to argue your opinion, Or you’re in trouble with Lee Rawles
Don’t make the Moderators, Slap a ban on you, Don’t make the friendly Moderators, Slap an everlasting ban on you
Well, if you ask ‘What’s Moderatin’?” That’s really hard to say, Arbitrary and subjective, It’s different day to day, But when they send an admonition, You’d better say ‘Yes, Dear,” Or you may still be posting, But it won’t be here.
Don’t make the Moderators, Slap a ban on you, Don’t make the friendly Moderators, Slap an everlasting ban on you.