2007 Regular State Delegate Elections
Seventeen states will elect State Delegates for three year terms beginning at the adjournment of the 2007 Annual Meeting. (The states conducting elections and election rules and procedures can be found at www.abajournal.com.)
2007 Board of Governors Elections
At the 2007 Midyear Meeting, the Nominating Committee will announce nominations for the following district and at-large positions on the ABA Board of Governors for 2007-2010 terms: Ohio (District 7), Texas (District 8), South Dakota (District 10), Arizona (District 11), Oregon (District 13), Washington (District 18), Section of Administrative Law and Regulatory Practice, Section of Science and Technology Law, and one woman member-at-large. (For rules and procedures on filing petitions, visit www.abajournal.com.)
CLE Programs in December
For information, contact the ABA Service Center at 800-285-2221 or service @abanet.org, or visit www.abanet.org/cle.
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