Trials & Litigation

After criminal case was dropped, ex-cop can sue to recoup his $1M defense costs, judge rules

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A former New Jersey police officer charged with shaking down drug dealers prevailed at trial, twice, when juries could not agree to convict him. Then the government decided to drop the case against Lawrence Furlow.

Now he is litigating against the city of Newark, his ex-employer, in an effort to get reimbursement of $1 million in attorney’s fees, reports the New Jersey Advance.

In a ruling last week, a superior court judge gave a green light to the civil case, refusing to grant a motion to dismiss brought by Newark. The city is arguing that Furlow is not entitled to reimbursement of his criminal defense costs because he was not acting lawfully during the conduct at issue in the criminal case.

“It is up to the jury to decide who they find credible and to make the determination of whether the alleged criminal acts actually occurred,” wrote Judge Thomas Vena in his Friday decision.

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