
Dentists Sue Blogger, Say She Reneged on Deal to Pay Her Bill with Write-Up; But Later Withdraw Suit

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Updated: Well-known mommy blogger Lyss Stern agreed to write a puff piece for an advertising supplement for the New York Observer to pay off a nearly $45,000 dental bill, then reneged on the deal, contends a New York lawsuit filed by a dental firm.

Lowenberg & Lituchy DDS said in the suit that “Elyssa Stern, as editor-in-chief of the New York Observer magazine, agreed to publish a four-page article in the December 2009 issue of the magazine” that profiled its “achievements and advancements in the industry,” the New York Daily News reports.

The piece was reportedly supposed to appear in the Observer’s “Playground” section, a special advertising supplement. At the time, Stern, founder of the Divalysscious Moms social networking site, reportedly declined to comment on the suit for the New York Daily News.

But hours after the New York Daily News posted the story about the suit on the Web, a lawyer for Lowenberg & Lituchy contacted the newspaper and told them that the suit was being yanked.

“They will not be suing her,” Michael Laufer said. “The matter is closed.” The New York Daily News said Laufer did not give a reason for the suit’s abrupt withdrawal.

Updated Oct. 28 to include news that suit was withdrawn.

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