Family Law

Dodgers Owner Loses Round in Divorce Battle as Judge Rules His Wife Is a Co-Owner of the Team

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Frank McCourt lost a round in a divorce battle with his wife of 30 years when a Los Angeles Superior Court judge ruled today that a 2004 postnuptial agreement recognizing him as sole owner of the Los Angeles Dodgers isn’t valid.

Jamie McCourt had argued against enforcing the agreement on at least two grounds, according to the Los Angeles Times:

First, she said she didn’t consider the implications of doing so, in the event of a divorce, but was simply seeking to protect their home, of which she was given sole ownership in the agreement, from potential liability related to the team.

Second, because a lawyer mistakenly prepared two different versions of the agreement with diametrically opposed terms, the agreement was invalid, Jamie McCourt argued.

An ESPN magazine article provides additional details about the divorce case.

Neither article explains Judge Scott Gordon’s reasoning for finding the 2004 agreement invalid and unenforceable today.

This isn’t the end of the ball game for Frank McCourt, however: He is expected to continue to argue that he is the sole owner of the team, on other grounds.

Earlier coverage: “Divorce Court May Decide Ownership of L.A. Dodgers” “Bingham Partner Admits Changing Key Word in Signed Dodgers Document”

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