Verdicts & Settlements

Food Company Settles Case After Diverting Pet Food to Federal Prison

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An East Texas-based food company specializing in fajita meat has agreed to pay $392,000 to settle a dispute over how its resale of meat intended for pet food ended up on plates in federal prisons.

At issue were raw “beef trimmings” that were supposed to be used for cans of pet food, but instead were sold by John Soules Foods to a meat broker who sold the trimmings for human consumption, the Dallas Morning News reports.

The boxes of meat, which were not labeled as pet food, ultimately were sold to the Federal Bureau of Prisons in 2006 and 2007, according to the U.S. Attorney’s Office in the Eastern District of Texas, which announced the settlement Friday.

“There is no evidence that anyone who consumed any of the ‘beef trimmings’ product suffered any ill effects,” a news release detailing the settlement notes.

As part of the settlement, John Soules Foods has agreed to adopt new procedures, but didn’t admit any wrongdoing. The payment is aimed at reimbursing the government for the cost of its three-year investigation.

Hat Tip: The Crime Report

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