Trials & Litigation

Former Casey Anthony Lawyer Says She Was Attacked Twice During the Case

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A Chicago lawyer says her defense of death-penalty defendants has brought hate mail, but she was physically attacked because of her work in just one case—the Casey Anthony trial.

DePaul University law professor Andrea Lyon resigned from the Anthony case about a year ago, saying she couldn’t continue because the judge had rejected a request to reimburse her travel expenses. In an interview today with WBEZ, Lyon said she was attacked twice in Orlando while working on the case.

One attack occurred while she was trying to interview a witness, Lyon said. The other occurred while she was walking down the street.

Lyon said the intense media scrutiny made her work difficult. Witnesses were reluctant to speak to the defense, she said, because the media would publicize the witness list, leading to harassment.

Now Lyon is worried about her onetime client, Casey Anthony. “I don’t know where in this country she can live safely,” she said. “There are people who want her dead, and I fear for her safety.”

Lyon declined to elaborate on details of the assaults when contacted by the ABA Journal.

Anthony was acquitted of murder and manslaughter charges in the death of her 2-year-old daughter, Caylee. She was found guilty of providing false information to law enforcement, misdemeanor charges that could result in a maximum four-year sentence. The sentencing hearing will be held on Thursday.

Later coverage: “Casey Anthony Sentenced to Four Years in Jail; Release Date Is Next Wednesday”

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