Criminal Justice

Former judge 'ready to be punished' gets 2 years in domestic violence case

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A former Ohio judge who pleaded guilty last month as trial loomed in a felony domestic violence case concerning his wife was sentenced Wednesday to 24 months in prison.

“I make no excuses, I mean, I beat my wife in front of my kids,” Lance Mason told the court during his Wednesday sentencing. “I mourn the harm I did to my family.”

If he undergoes counseling in prison, his sentence may be reduced, reports the Northeast Ohio Media Group on WKYC also has a story.

“I’m here to be punished today. … I have no excuses … I’ve spent many nights on my knees praying … I can’t undo the harm,” Lance Mason told Cuyahoga County Common Pleas Judge Patricia Cosgrove.

“I didn’t realize that I was this broken … I’m ready to be punished.”

Initially suspended from the Cuyahoga Common Pleas Court bench as a result of the case, Mason has submitted his resignation to the governor, WJW reports. His lawyers said he resigned from the bench Tuesday, the article reports.

His wife, who needed reconstructive surgery on her face, did not attend the sentencing. She has filed both a divorce case and a tort case against Mason, which are ongoing.

“This conviction is not cause for celebration. It’s a sad day,” said county prosecutor Timothy McGinty in a written statement after Mason was sentenced. “He was a good judge and a friend, but he owes society this time. I am confident he will leave prison rehabilitated and will again be an asset to our community.”

Related coverage: “Judge accused of punching, choking and biting his wife is indicted and put on leave”

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