Law in Popular Culture

Harvard Law Student Who Wrote Prizewinning Class Paper About 'Survivor' Is Now On the Show

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A Harvard law student who’s a huge fan of Survivor has already parlayed his love of the reality television program into a prizewinning paper for a class on the American jury system.

Now John Cochran, 24, will have a chance to try out his theories about how such groups work as a participant on the show, reports Comcast’s Xfinity blog in a Q&A with Cochran.

Fortunately, an Above the Law post points out, he will have his law degree to fall back on. But in the meantime, he plans to take his television persona to the limit as long as he isn’t voted off the island.

“I’m prepared to be as deceptive as I need to be. I’m not going to be deceptive for the sole sake of being deceptive, like Russell [Hantz] telling people he was a firefighter in Hurricane Katrina,” Cochran tells Xfinity. “That didn’t earn him any sympathy, he just seemed to relish lying. I wouldn’t do something like that because I don’t see the purpose. I’d only lie if it forwarded my game.”

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