
Herman Cain Accuser Got a Year in Severance Pay; Second Woman Wants to Nix Confidentiality Deal

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Legal confidentiality agreements aren’t stemming the onslaught of news stories about old sexual harassment allegations against GOP presidential candidate Herman Cain.

The New York Times is reporting that one of two women who accused Cain received $35,000, amounting to one year’s salary, in severance pay in the late 1990s. Meanwhile, a lawyer for the second Cain accuser says his client wants to be released from a confidentiality agreement signed as a part of her settlement, according to the Times and the Washington Post.

Lawyer Joel Bennett says his client wants to counter Cain’s denials. “It is just frustrating that Herman Cain is going around bad-mouthing the two complainants, and my client is blocked by a confidentiality agreement,” he told the Post.

The women had accused Cain of inappropriate conduct while he was head of the National Restaurant Association in the 1990s. Fox News asked the candidate Tuesday evening whether he would ask the association to waive the agreement. “I can’t give you a definitive answer on that until we consult with our attorneys,” he replied.

Prior coverage: “Is Herman Cain Creating New Legal Headaches by Denying Harassment?”

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