
Judge apologizes for declaring that 'Greeks never pay taxes' during child-support hearing

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A judge in Delaware County, Pennsylvania, has issued an apology and vacated a child support order after his courtroom assertion that Greeks never pay taxes.

Judge Michael Coll made his remarks last month in a child-support hearing, according to NBC10, which obtained the transcripts.

Coll’s “anti-Greek tirade” began, the story says, when he asked Kostas “Gus” Hartas if he was “of Greek background,” during Hartas’ hearing for past due child support. Hartas answered in the affirmative. This exchange between Coll and Hartas’ lawyer followed:

Coll: Right, the Greeks never pay taxes.

Lawyer: Objection.

Coll: That’s why their country—

Lawyer: Objection.

Coll: Is in bankruptcy.

Lawyer: Objection.

Coll: So can I take judicial note of the fact that the Greeks are in bankruptcy as a nation and one of the reasons, the principal reason is because none of them ever pay taxes?

Lawyer: Your Honor, I object to lumping my client in with the entire country of Greece.

Coll apologized in a statement to NBC10. “My language does not accurately reflect my feelings about the Greek community,” he said. “I regret the language I used during the hearing.”

Coll has vacated the child support order he signed in Hartas’ case and ordered a hearing with a new judge.

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