Trials & Litigation

Lawyer says he can't ask permission to release client list of 'DC Madam' because judge barred motion

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A lawyer who was once suspended for meritless litigation says he would like to release the client list of the escort service once run by the “D.C. Madam,” but a federal judge is preventing him from filing a motion in his quest to obtain court permission.

The lawyer, Montgomery Blair Sibley, says the list could be relevant to the upcoming presidential election, report the Washington Post and WTOP. Sibley was one of four lawyers who represented Deborah Jeane Palfrey, the D.C. Madam, before her 2008 conviction on charges of money laundering and racketeering. She committed suicide soon afterward.

Sibley was barred from releasing Palfrey’s records under several 2007 restraining orders. Sibley now alleges in a judicial misconduct complaint that Chief Judge Richard Roberts of the U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia refused to allow him to file a motion seeking to lift the restraining orders.

The complaint (PDF) says Sibley was told that Roberts had possession of the motion and had directed the clerk’s office to refuse to file it.

Sibley told the Washington Post that, since news of his bid to release the records, about a dozen people have offered to buy them. “My answer to them is the same,” he told the Post. “I can’t disburse the list without being in contempt of court.”

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