U.S. Supreme Court

Line started on Friday for gay-marriage arguments in SCOTUS; what does a place sitter cost?

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The cost of securing a seat for Supreme Court oral arguments on gay marriage today is $50 an hour.

That’s how much money it costs to hire a service to hold a place in line for arguments in Obergefell v. Hodges, Slate reports. The first 14 people in line were paid to be there, and the line began to form at 6 a.m. on Friday, according to BuzzFeed News.

According to the National Law Journal (sub. req.), there were two lines for the event: One was for members of the Supreme Court bar, and the other was for the general public.

Those in line included a gay couple who married after a federal court struck down Michigan’s gay marriage ban, a University of Denver law school lecturer, and a Georgetown University law student facing finals in two weeks.

“That’s school, but this is education,” the law student, Peter Knight, told the National Law Journal. “This is too big to miss. Hopefully, it doesn’t reflect on my grades, but it would take a Category 5 hurricane to pull me away from my seat.”

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