
Mel Gibson to Take Plea Requiring No Time in Case Over Alleged Battery of Ex-Girlfriend

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Actor Mel Gibson reportedly is about to plead no contest in a domestic battery case concerning his ex-girlfriend in exchange for a sentence that includes no jail time.

The Los Angeles District Attorney’s office declined to comment, but attorney Blair Berk, who represents Gibson, said in a written statement that he had asked her to approach the prosecution with an unspecified plea deal, reports the Los Angeles Times.

“I know from almost 20 years as a criminal defense lawyer that sometimes justice can come for a client at too high a personal price,”says Berk in the statement. “That is particularly so for Mel, whose right to due process can only be exercised in this case with an enormous media circus attached.”

TMZ reports that Gibson—who is currently in Guatemala, according to another TMZ post—will return to Los Angeles on Friday to plead no contest to simple battery.

Additional coverage:

ABAJournal.com: “How Gal Pal’s Lawyer Got Mel Gibson Offer to $16M (Refused), Up From 1 Year Rent and Dodge Charger”

CNN: “Attorney: Mel Gibson approaches prosecutors with a proposal”

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