Law Schools

New website makes it easier to compare law-school jobs data

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A new website aims to make it easier for would-be law students to research how graduates of different law schools are faring in the jobs market.

The website is called Law Jobs: By the Numbers. It allows students to search and compare law schools’ employment rates using preset or personalized formulas, according to a review by Robert Ambrogi’s LawSites. Searches can be based on formulas used by groups such as Law School Transparency or U.S. News & World Report, or based on a user’s tailor-made search for, say, full-time, JD advantage jobs.

LawSites tried a few different searches. The preset U.S. News formula puts the University of Virginia at the top of the list for best job placement. But a search for long-term, full-time jobs that require bar passage puts the University of Chicago in first place.

The website was created by Educating Tomorrow’s Lawyers, an initiative of the Institute for the Advancement of the American Legal System (IAALS) at the University of Denver. The University of Denver Sturm College of Law also helped develop the website.

Prior coverage of Educating Tomorrow’s Lawyers: “New Initiative Promotes Legal Ed Innovation and ‘Practice-Ready Lawyers’ ”

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