Criminal Justice

Parents of man charged with slaying 12 at Batman movie premiere plead for life-sentence plea bargain

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As a trial looms next month for accused Colorado movie-theater massacre suspect James Holmes and some 9,000 jury summonses are in the process of being mailed out, his parents publicly pleaded Friday for a plea deal that would sentence him to a life term.

“He is a human being gripped by a severe mental illness,” wrote Robert and Arlene Holmes of their son, a former University of Colorado graduate student whose post-arrest photos routinely show him with a wild-eyed stare. “We have always loved him, and we do not want him to be executed.” The Denver Post provides a copy of their letter.

Lawyers for Holmes do not contest that he was the shooter who killed 12 people and injured dozens more at a 2012 premiere of a Batman movie. However, they say he did so during a psychotic episode, the Associated Press reports, and Holmes has pleaded not guilty by reason of insanity.

Reaction to the letter by Holmes’ parents was mixed among survivors of the shooting and family members and friends of victims, according to the AP and the Denver Post.

Shot three times, Pierce O’Farrill said he would be happy to avoid a trial and doubts that the death penalty, regardless of whether it is deserved, will bring anyone peace.

“Life in prison, throw away the key, and he doesn’t see the light of day again and we move on.” he suggested.

However, others took issue with the claim of Holmes’ parents that he is not a monster and said he needs to be held fully accountable for the massacre, which obviously involved a certain amount of planning.

A trial can be avoided, suggested Marcus Weaver, who was also shot in the movie theater, if Holmes simply faces the truth, pleads guilty without conditions and faces the consequences of his actions.

Related coverage: “Judge OKs insanity plea for accused shooter in Colo. movie theater massacre”

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